Friday, February 28, 2020

Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mabel McKay Weaving the Dream - Essay Example Mabel was a very quiet and observant child. She always stared about the things. She was so weak that Sarah had to told to the people who said the girl looked like she was starving to death. When she began to speak a strange thing happened that she started restless nights and she began to say things those were not supposed to be known by her. She talked about her step - mother the big lady. Every one was surprised that how could she has known anything about that as she was an infant child then. Sarah considered her special child with unique qualities. When the Mabel was at the age of twelve years, her mother Daisy returned back and tried to handover her to an old Colusa man. Sarah had to shift Mabel McKay to Mrs. Spencer’s house who was a very nice lady and mostly hired the Indian to cut the grapes at each fall. There were many ways by which the local inhabitants following the indigenous practices and views. They expressed their views and followed traditional customs in different gathering and festivals. For example when Sarah went to see her sister Belle, both â€Å"sat on the floor, in the old style, even though Belle had a new table with four perfectly comfortable wooden chairs. And when they got sleepy, they camped right there, folding up their shawls for a pillows† (Sarris, 16). The life in valley till was very simple yet few things were changed. There were Roads every where. where. Also the large oak tree along the Creek looked dry and along the water where sweet clover grew year round, there was nothing but, dusty earth, and cow dung (Sarris, 17). Following were the common ways by which the people follow the indigenous practices and views.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Ethics and Law in Business and Society (4 questions) Essay

Ethics and Law in Business and Society (4 questions) - Essay Example A common example (argument) that arises when discussing market failure is the issue of the minimum wage law (Verleun et al. 15). The law sets wages higher than the going market-clearing wage in an effort to elevate market wages. Analysts argue that this greater wage cost will make employers recruit fewer minimum-wage workers compared to before the law was enacted (Verleun et al. 15). Therefore, more minimum wage employees are left jobless, establishing a social cost and leading to market failure. The advantage of government regulation on the minimum wage is that is enable people to be paid fairly for the work they have done (Verleun et al. 16). However, the disadvantage of this is that a firm cannot control how much they pay their workers. A sewer system could be regarded as a public good. It also falls under the theory of market failure because, in some regions, they system does not function appropriately as it is needed, and; therefore, it affect the people who depend on it. Questi on 2 One main policy foundation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was personal liability (Verleun et al. 23). ... 23). The act importantly reinforced the rule that shareholders own the United States corporations and that business managers ought to be working for shareholders to distribute business resources to their best use (Verleun et al. 23). After the law was enacted, financial experts cited enhanced investor confidence, more accuracy and more reliable financial statements as some of the benefits that the U.S. was enjoying. The CFO and CEO are now needed clearly to take charge for their financial statements below Section 302, which was not so before the SOX (Verleun et al. 23). Critics noted that this law is financially feasible because it has improved the confidence of investors (Verleun et al. 24). Many investors are now willing to venture into the United States because of the easiness of investing in the country. Also, the government does not have to worry about financially backing the investors because shareholders can enjoy full ownership of the corporations. This policy is fully conser vative as it puts everybody on the same platform when it comes to investment (Verleun et al. 23). Even though, critics argue that it reduces the number of workers in the U.S., everybody still has a chance of reaching the highest level with this law. Question 3 According to Hobbes, peoples’ lives in the state of nature were "lonely, poor, spiteful, violent and short", a state through which egotism and the nonexistence of rights and contracts prohibited the 'social', or society. Locke, on the other hand, considered that people in a state of nature are morally bound by The Law of Nature, simply not to harm themselves, but devoid of any government administration to safeguard them against those